Since September 2019, the new SBP governance structure is in place and defined in the bylaws.
SBP governance is composed of ordinary and expert members from non-profit institutions active in the biobanking field.
The ordinary members constitute the SBP General Assembly. Together with the expert members, they form the SBP Governing Board. The expert members are highly recognized individuals in three specific biobanking domains (liquid, tissue and non-human biobanking).

SBP’s vision is to foster research by facilitating access and optimal usage to high-quality and harmonized samples.
SBP’s mission is to create a network of biobanks promoting FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) samples.
SBP’s objectives for the period 2021–2024:
- Promoting a quality strategy for biobanks that serve both quality management issues and sample quality.
- Developing guidelines to facilitate access to biobanking samples by establishing a Swiss biospecimen catalogue at the sample level. SBP provides advice in IT systems for quality and networked biobanks.
- Driving the quality management of non-human biobanking activities.
- Consolidating the collaboration with the European networks of biobanks.
- Providing a concept for its sustainable funding.